

Julie J. Testimonial

“In May 2012, I hiked the Grand Canyon from rim to river to rim in one day. The hike was 5,000 feet of vertical drop and gain and approximately 20 miles in length. In June of that year I developed Patellar Tendonitis. I am an avid runner as well as participate in many other activities, including Pilates and Boot Camp classes. Paul had been seeing me struggle in each of the classes. He convinced me to let him work on my knee with some targeted massage therapy. To my surprise, he was able to reduce the pain and greatly improve my ability to compete in races and other events.

Fast forward to March 2014. I am still dealing with Patellar Tendonitis because I refuse to sit down and rest for several months; that’s just not my personality. After a couple MRIs, my doctor sent me to physical therapy. The PT exercises were targeted at strengthening my quadriceps and hamstring muscles to put less strain on the knee area. During the PT therapy, I pulled my hamstring muscle in May 2014. I got to the point where I was completely unable to run; walking was even painful. The PT people were not interested in the hamstring, their focus was the knee. I was released from PT, disappointed and upset. I turned to Paul once again to see if he could help. It took several sessions over a few months, but I am back running. Over the course of treatment he tried several different techniques, concentrating on the ones that worked the best. He also gave me exercises to do at home. Honestly, at one point I thought I wasn’t going to be able to run again. I am beyond thrilled with the results. I can’t thank Paul enough.”

Julie J / Massage and Pilates Client since 2009

Hope Z. Testimonial

“I have been waiting for the day when I could share my testimony with Paul’s current clients and potential clients. Most people who know me know I would not be the physically functioning person to the capacity I am today without the care, compassion, and knowledge of Paul Wheeler in my life. Over the past eleven years I have witnessed and benefited from his growth of expertise in the field of massage and Pilates, and am so excited to share my story with all of you!

The years before Paul:

In September of 1999 when I was 35 years old, I was involved in an accident that injured both of my ankles and left me in bed and non-weight bearing for almost a year. I had an external fixator on my left leg and a cast on my right. With the help of occupational therapists and physical therapists I was able to transfer to a wheelchair and eventually learn to walk again after ten months in bed. When I say walking, it was not to the sudden capacity most would assume. It was gradually transferring from a wheelchair to a walker to crutches. I would never be able to run again and walking would mean a slow and mostly unsteady gate with limited balance; but considering the doctors almost took my feet at the time of the accident because my ankles were so severely crushed, I am grateful just to have feet. Fast forward ten long and painful years later, in 2009, I continued to have challenges standing, walking, and basically any weight bearing due to constant swelling and the limited dorsiflexion in both of my ankles. My hips, back and neck were beginning to reel the effects of the years of limited mobility in my ankles. Just getting out of bed every morning to begin my day with my then, six year old daughter was challenging to say the least. The swelling in my ankles was causing limited mobility for me, which resulted in excessive wear and tear on the rest of my joints. I continued my Pilates classes to help strengthen my core, which would help alleviate some of the stress on my ankles. I would try and get frequent massages, which would temporarily help with the pain throughout my body; however, since the swelling and limited mobility in my ankles was the cause of all my pain, the relief was only temporary. Every orthopedic surgeon I saw from locally here in Rochester to ankle specialist at John’s Hopkins in Baltimore, said there was nothing they could do other than ankle replacement which wasn’t an option in 2009 and still is not now because even if the operation was successful, there was only a limited lifespan of five to eight years for an ankle replacement. In 2009, I was 45. What would I do in my 50’s when the ankle replacement was no longer functioning? I really had no options…until the day I was referred to Paul Wheeler for a massage. This is where my healing, and honestly, my new lease on life begins.

The Eleven Years With Paul:

Paul was nineteen when I first met him in 2009. Although he was still in school, he had a lot more knowledge and more importantly, he had more genuine compassion and concern than any massage therapist I had ever met. I could tell right after meeting him that he was genuinely interested in helping me. He wanted to learn all he could about my situation and my limited physical abilities. I began scheduling weekly massages with him and attended his Pilates classes. Every time he saw me he would always have different techniques and new skills to try to alleviate my pain. Paul was regularly attending seminars to advance his knowledge of the body in order to help his clients. Even to this day, with a new family and an exciting new location for his growing business, he continues to attend seminars and stay on top of the latest advancements in his field of massage and Pilates. There are so many days when Paul would manipulate my ankles or work on my back or neck that made such a difference in my pain levels. One day that really stands out for me was when he first tried the ROC tape on my ankles. He was so excited after returning from a seminar on compression taping and couldn’t wait to try the new technique on me. I think it was in 2011. My life was significantly changed that day. Something so simple as applying compression tape on my ankles; an idea that no orthopedic surgeon had ever reccommended, has made such a difference in my life. The difference was that Paul had taken the time to get to know my physical limitations and me to the point of being able to figure out ways to actually help me in my day-to-day activities. Not only has the tape, which I have worn everyday since Paul first showed me how to apply it 9 years ago, significantly reduced the swelling in my ankles, but it has given me the freedom to live a fuller life. By reducing the swelling in my ankles, my pain is then reduced which leads to increased mobility. That combined with the frequent body massages, ankle manipulation, tailored exercises for me, and the weekly Pilates and strength training classes I take from Paul have given me the freedom to live a significantly better life. Now, 20 years after my accident, and 11 years with Paul in my life, I am no longer in constant pain as a result of my limited mobility stemming from the swelling in my ankles. This freedom I feel is all because Paul took the time to get to know my situation, my lifestyle, and me. He has found and is constantly continuing to find ways to help me function to my capacity. I sometimes exceed my limits and will over exert myself; but only because working with Paul has given me the confidence to think I can do almost anything I used to do before the accident! When that is the case, Paul is always there to undo the damage I have done (through massage), and suggest different ways to protect myself from injury (through strength training and exercise and Pilates) so I can live a fuller, more productive life. My pain is now manageable and I am free to do so much more than I would be able to without Paul in my life. I honestly don’t know how I could have made it to be the physically functioning person with limited pain that I am today without his help. He doesn’t just treat the body, but he HEALS THE PERSON. Thank you Paul for helping me to live my BEST life! You are a blessing and a joy to everyone that has the pleasure of knowing you and I know your future success will be the direct result of how you help and genuinely care for all of your clients as you have me. I make this testimonial with heartfelt gratitude.”

Hope Z / Client of 11 years

Deb E. Testimonial

“After working with Paul for the past 2-3 years, I can honestly say that I am stronger now (at 51) than I have ever been. I find Paul’s kind, easy-going manner and encouragement to be far more motivational than the loud, “in-your-face” type methods. Integrating his combined knowledge of exercise, fitness, Pilates and massage therapy, Paul keeps things fresh, mixing up exercises from week to week. He takes the time to plan different workouts for each session, keeping each client’s specific needs and abilities in mind – and is always willing to teach modifications to make the exercises safe and doable for all fitness levels. You do not need to be “in shape” to begin working out with Paul, but given time and personal dedication, you WILL wind up stronger and more fit than when you started!”

Deb E / Client since 2010